Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Animation: Final Aniamtion

Animation: Final Animation

To end our animation section of our course we had to create our own animation. From around 3 months of using flash properly all of us could apply our knowledge to this animation. Personally I found this animation to be fairly straight forward. The only thing that was wrong was how fiddly each part is and was to draw and animate individually, which is time consuming. 

The drain is a good example of this, there were so many small little parts that needed to be added that it was really annoying trying to get it to position up right, but I got there in the end! I'll be honest, this animation was the first animation I used so many layers on, I used a layer for each asset, like the background or the road for example. The Image below shows this.
 I started off with a blank canvas, I then built my background and added the road asset:
After this I imported a previous animation I used which was the walking animation, this is because the person will be walking down the road. After this I then created my drain to go along the bottom of the path, shown below. 
 After I had animated the drain and road lines to walk in time with the walking animation of the person it was time to animate some relevant text in frame-by-frame. 
And that's it! You can view my final animation below:


Overall I quite enjoyed this animation section, although there were quite a few irritating moments where I was close to quitting and even did quit at one stage to start again. I've learnt to always keep your work, even if it is bad in your eyes, because years down the line it could spark a creative thought which could take you far beyond what you thought. Or you could suddenly understand how to fix something that went wrong. All part of the learning curve. 

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