Monday, 8 December 2014

Interactive Media: Adobe Flash

Interactive Media: Adobe Flash

In todays lesson we started another brief which involved using Adobe Flash. Adobe Flash is a software in which you are able to make animations digitally. We first started off creating basic shapes such as circles and squares on each key frame, making them move around the stage. 

Below is a link to the first animation that I did first. I wanted to create a ball bouncing and try to give it physics, what I mean by this is the shape of the ball on impact with the ground. I also wanted the ball to change colour. I did this by drawing the circle and then changing the shade of blue each for each individual shape. There are much smoother ways of changing the colour where it cycles through the colours between the two colour you are choosing (Red to Blue for example). But this creates a slightly different effect. 

I then went on to creative my own name in Flash with the Line Tool. I should also add that I changed the style of the line in 'Width' under the 'Fill and Stroke' tab. Doing this changed the style of the line to go from thin to think and then back to thin again. To the right is a screenshot to show this. After, I then went frame-by-frame drawing out my name, it would be a step further to make the lines rounded but to keep things simple I wrote in a 'box' style. As the screenshot below shows:

As I've said, to create the animation I simple drew each part of the letter on a new frame each time. The frame-rate of this document is 12 frames per second. The total amount of lines on this document is 13. This means that the average duration of this animation will be just over 1 second. Very quick. To slow this down It would be a simple case of pro-longing the time you add each part to the letter. So every 3-4 frames or something like that. 

Here is the final result of my name: 

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