Monday, 3 November 2014

Politics Unit 2 Research

Politics Unit 2 Research

In todays lesson we looked into our research from asking a demographic of people aged 16-22 about politics. One we had looked at the results we split into groups of 3 or 4 and filtered through the information. Once we were happy with that we came up with a statement explaining this filtered information. 

This is the link to the findings:

This was our statement: 

"The specific demographic we were aiming for were young adults aged 16 to 22.
Out of the people we surveyed  4% of 52 people know a lot about politics and would access it daily, compared to 32% who didn’t know anything about politics.
Although 27% of the demographic we asked access political information daily; they had minimal knowledge of politics. Also out of the people we asked, 44% of them were male and 56% were female, a result that is quite balanced.

From our findings it appears that most young adults don’t have much interest in politics at all. Young adults are typically more interested in sports, leisure activities, entertainment and social media as these activities have a larger entertainment factor, unlike politics."

What have I learnt?

I haven't ever had experience in writing a statement before, mainly because I've had no need to. I've also had minimal experience in extracting out specific data. I mainly did it in a Maths lesson in school. The same reason applies here; because I've never had the need to do in my own time.

Something that I have learned from and I'm sure the other people in my group have too is to not include yourself into a data statement. It should be based on a broader scale rather than direct. 

Another thing that I've learnt from this experience is proof reading my work. When creating this survey we had a question that didn't make any sense, this was because the group was rushing to get the questions finished ready to go out to ask the public and we had to miss out this question which would seriously damage the overall data. This smoothly leads me onto another thing too, and that is dealing with members of the pubic - I haven't ever had to deal with public before so that again was  anew experience to me. 

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