Subtitles are a vital thing when it comes to video. Subtitles are an important part to somebodies life who have no ability of hearing or struggle to hear.
To access subtitles on YouTube you need to go to 'Creator Studio'. To do this you click on your profile picture which is in a circle shape to the top right of your webpage.
After this you will be taken to your 'Creator Studio' which us a gallery of your latest videos and options/setting for those videos and youtube channel.
You'll notice under each video it says 'Edit', if you click on that it will take you into the video editor for that specific video. At the bottom just under the time of the video you will see these 5 tabs. Click on the far right one.
It will then bring you into the captions and subtitles page for your video. Here you will be able to add each sentence manually or enable the automatic mode where it will automatically guess what you are trying to say. I'll be honest, it's not great.
I decided to manually add my subtitles as I was also be able to manually punctuate it too. What I did do which may or may not have been easier was to turn on automatic mode and let it guess, but the go down the timeline and change the subtitles to what they actually are.
Here is what it looked like in the end: